For the housePicture I used the Emboss, night vision, and grain. On the elephant picture, I used posterize, which makes it blurry, I also used black and white. On the money picture I used mosaic, which makes it look like it has tiny pictures all over it. I also used red tint, and shift.
The service that I would use is probably FlauntR, just because it is faster, and it has a lot of cool stuff to do to your pictures, Foto Flexer does have a little bit of cool stuff you can do to your pictures, but not a lot. The similarities between these two websites, are that they both have the color that you can put to your pictures, and they have the tint.
The two differences between these two websites are that, FlauntR has the blur and pixelated, that you can do to your pictures, which is what I really like. Foto Flexer has the distortion, which is really cool, but it tends to take forever.
Thank you very much - flauntR is really nice site. Another site like this is - funny pictures - they make a new effect every day!