Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Semester Exam

North Korea
Launched a rocket off so they could see how far a missile could go, they think the missile could reach the U.S.
A school is teaching how to use an IPhone.
Memorial Day
At three o'clock yesterday a lot of people stopped what they were doing and remembered the people who died.

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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Channel One News 5/19/09

Teen Shootings
In Chicago, teens have been shooting a lot of people, which have died. They say that there are up to 70 gangs, which they think the gangs are the ones that are shooting the people.
NASA is fixing the Hubble telescope in space, which will probably be the last time they touch the telescope.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Channel One News 5/13/09

NASA is sending out a space shuttle out to space to fix the Hubble Telescope.
It is the anniversary in China of a year ago when a huge earth quake it and killed a lot of people.
Schools are wondering if they should shut down schools, and fix them up and then open them up again.
People that want to go to boot camp, have to be in shape, and at a certain weight, they also have to pass the physical fitness test.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Channel One News 5/6/09

A girl asked Obama to help her school, which Obama did help the school for free.
People in Pakistan are fleeing there homes, because of the fighting.
Smart Students
Students in California, are being asked Q's .
Calories are healthy for you if you are active, and when you light a food on fire and see how big the flames are, the higher the flame the more calories you are burning.

Monday, May 4, 2009

Channel One News 5/4/09

Hydroxycut was sold the most last year, for dieting. This medicine can damage your liver, which killed a 17 year old. They still don't know what ingredient that is dangerous in Hydroxycut.
Swine Flu
The outbreak isn't that bad as they thought.
There are 900 confirmed issues in 19 countries.
The tornado took down the Cowboy building.